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What We Do: Mother & Child Healthcare Program

The mother and child healthcare program is another major and an important program of TF. In fact, TF was founded in order to provide home-based mother and child healthcare to village people.


It's a large scale program under which the village health worker provides services for pregnancy care. She makes diagnoses of pregnancy with the help of urine pregnancy tests. She registers and provides pregnancy healthcare services to all pregnant mothers in the village as per standard protocols.

Apart from physical care, the village health worker also provides mental healthcare services. She provides pregnancy physiotherapy care, pregnancy nutrition care and pregnancy dental hygeine care. She helps in prevention of addiction and de-addiction for pregnant mothers. She identifies risk factors in pregnancy and refers risky cases to standard higher centers. She assists in delivery services and provides post-delivery healthcare, both to the mother and to the newborn, and she cares for the baby until the age of one year. She also provides services for contraception. She coordinates with the public health system for better utilization of the public health services.


At any given point of time, the village health workers care for approximately 30,000 pregnant women. During a typical year, they provide services for approximately 30,000 deliveries and they take care of approximately 30,000 new babies. 


At TF, we have various programmes for mother and children. One such programme is of Balwadi. Balwadi was started in 1982 wherein kids living in the village of Rajodpura come to attend these Balwadi sessions that take place from Monday to Saturday from 11am to 3pm while their parents are busy doing labor work as a means to earn their daily income. 


Balwadi is like a pre-school or kindergarden where the kids are taught educative rhymes and songs. They are also provided with one time meal which is prepared in the campus. This programme takes place inside the TF campus located in Anand. 


Click Here to see a Video of Balwadi. 



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